Checklist for Hike the Highlands Festival

Deuter Futura 28 Backpack
With just 3-4 weeks away before the 6th Annual Hike the Highlands festival – Sept. 11-20, it is time to get out the checklist and start getting ready for the hiking festival.
1) review the hiking schedule and trail info and decide what hikes you will be going on as well workshops.
2) review the list of accommodation and book for the festival.
3) Register for the festival – Determine which option you will be doing –
a) register online for hikes & workshops, and then pay online,
b) print off the registration form from digital e-brochure and mail the
registration form and payment in. Please allow a week for mail. or
c) register and pay in person.
4) Get your equipment ready – daypack, sunscreen, insect repellent, water
bottles, hiking clothes, hiking socks, hiking boots, camera, batteries,
battery charger, memory cards, sun glasses, soft shell jacket, wind
breaker/rain jacket, hiking poles or walking stick, hat, etc.
5) You should start hiking more – a) you should be going on longer hikes now
as it gets closer to the festival as well doing two a day. b) Then hike two
consecutive days.
6) Tell your friends about this Hiking Festival and encourage them to attend
as well. Help them prepare.
Hope this checklist gets you ready and is a useful resource list.