Explore -Adventure Special -March & April 2010
The March/April issue of Explore, Canada’s Outdoor Magazine has arrived and features the Adventure special – the new Canadian Classics. These classics include Biking the Gaspe Penisula (900 kms – 14 days), Backpacking the Nootka Trail (40 kms – 5 plus days, Canoeing the Hood River (14 days), Hiking the Highwood Pass (45 km) and paddling Philip Edward island (50 km).
The magazine also features an article on Coyote Attacks: Why they are on the rise. It talks about the Skyline attack and provides some new information. The author of the article Ian Merringer, talks with Derek Quann, Manager of Resource Conservation, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, and Brent Patterson, a research scientist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, who both provide some useful information and tips if you are confronted with a coyote.