Posts Tagged ‘Hike the Highlands Festival’

Mon 07 Dec 2009 Tom Wilson Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / MEC / Mountain Equipment Co-op / Nordic Walking Poles / Outdoor Gear / Photography / Trekking Poles / Trekking Trips Comments Off on Christmas Gifts for Hikers / / / / / / / / / / /

Christmas Gifts for Hikers

Lots of great gifts for hikers out there that won’t hurt the pocketbook.  Here are some ideas for you :  1) a pair of smart wool socks, 2) a bear bell, 3) small mesh bag, 4) drybag, 5) a whistle, 6) a trail map, 7) a compass, 8) a watch with carabiner that hooks on […]Read more

Mon 21 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips Comments Off on Thank-you Hikers, Partners & Sponsors of 6th Annual Hike the Highlands Festival / / / / / / / / / / /

Thank-you Hikers, Partners & Sponsors of 6th Annual Hike the Highlands Festival

What an amazing 10 days of hiking ….with great people, partners and sponsors. The 6th Annual Hike the Highlands Festival will be a memorable event for so many people.  One hiker indicated how spirtual, uplifting and incredible experience this festival had been for her. She can’t...Read more

Sat 19 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Broad Cove Mountain / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Franey Hiking Trail / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / North River Big Falls / North River Falls / North River Provinicial Park / Red ISland Hiking Trail Comments Off on Outstanding Views on Today’s Hikes / / / / / / / / / /

Outstanding Views on Today’s Hikes

Sunny conditions prevailed on Day 8 after early morning rain and over 80 hikers enjoyed hikes at Franey, Freshwater Lake & Look-off and Smokey Towers. Today hikes featured outstanding views and cameras were very busy.  The Outdoor Nature Photography workshop with Wally Hayes attracted a great...Read more

Wed 16 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Geocaching / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / Nordic Walking / Nordic Walking Poles / Outdoor Gear / Photography / Trekking Poles Comments Off on Roberts Mountain Spectacular / / / / / / / / /

Roberts Mountain Spectacular

Day 5 of Hike the Highlands was all about avoiding rain and we did it. All three hikes  we got in. The last hike of day – Roberts Mountain lived up to expectations & more. It provided hikers with spectacular coastal scenery. Local guide Tina Roach, Pleasant Bay, indicated the Mountain...Read more

Tue 15 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Canadian Nordic Walking Association / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Geocaching / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / International Trekking / Nordic Walking / Nordic Walking News / Nordic Walking Poles / Outdoor Gear / Trekking / Trekking Poles Comments Off on Nordic Walking – Hiking With Poles / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Nordic Walking – Hiking With Poles

Day four of  Hike the Highlands Festival was an important day for hikers – it showed us the importance of hiking with poles and the proper techniques.  It also emphasize dressing in layers and use of rain gear as the day involved showers. Our instructor, Linda Murray started off...Read more

Mon 14 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Cape Breton Island / Cape St. Lawrence Hike / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / Trekking Poles Comments Off on Meat Cove Mountain & Cape St. Lawrence/Lowland Cove Hikes / / / / / /

Meat Cove Mountain & Cape St. Lawrence/Lowland Cove Hikes

Day 3 of Hike the Highlands Festival started with a new weather forecast- showers and rain. But luck prevailed and over 50 hikers enjoyed the  day hiking Meat Cove Mountain and Cape St. Lawrence/Lowland Cove without any rain. Both hikes today required good hiking boots and poles due to the...Read more

Mon 14 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / Cape St. Lawrence Hike / CBHNP / Hike the Highland sFestival / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips Comments Off on New Hikes Well Received on Day 2 of the Hiking Festival / / / / / / /

New Hikes Well Received on Day 2 of the Hiking Festival

Seventy plus hikers enjoyed summer like conditions on day 2 of the hiking festival. With 25 plus degrees, and new terrain,  the new hikes were well received – White Point to Burnt Head and Coastal.  A great day for being  outdoors, enjoying great company & scenery, and  for taking...Read more

Sat 12 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / Middlehead Hiking Trail / Photography Comments Off on Middle Head Hike – Great Start / / / / / /

Middle Head Hike – Great Start

A great turnout of hikers enjoyed the first hike of the Hike the Highlands Festival at Middle Head.  This trail is located in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park and is 4km long. It was a perfect evening for a hike and the right trail to start the festival off.  The first hike is always...Read more

Fri 11 Sep 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Backpacker Magazine / Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Explore Magazine / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / Middlehead Hiking Trail / Outdoor Gear / Photography / Trekking Poles Comments Off on Hike the Highlands Festival Starts Today / / / / / / / /

Hike the Highlands Festival Starts Today

A great week for hiking …Explore, Canada’s Outdoor Magazine Sept/October issue arrives then October issue of Backpacker Magazine and now Hike the Highlands Festival begins today.  The festival opens with a Outdoor Nature Photography Workshop by Wally Hayes at Jack Pine Hiking Trail,...Read more

Sat 22 Aug 2009 Tom Wilson 2009 Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands / Hike the Highlands Festival / Hike the Highlands Guides / Hiking / Hiking Boots / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Hiking Tips / Nordic Walking Poles / North River Big Falls / North River Falls / North River Provinicial Park / Trekking Poles Comments Off on Hiking with a Pedometer / / / / / / /

Hiking with a Pedometer

With Hike the Highlands Festival just 3 weeks away, I have been busy getting ready for the ten days of hiking and 100 kms.  Today I hiked North River Big Falls – 18kms return with my pedometer in a little over 4.5 hours… Pretty proud of myself especially in 30 degrees temp plus high...Read more