Hike the Highlands – Google My Maps
August 23, 2007
By Tom Wilson
Cape Breton Highlands National Park / Cape Breton Island / CBHNP / Franey Hiking Trail / Google / Google My Maps / Hike the Highlands / Hiking / Hiking Cape Breton / Hiking Festival / Middlehead Hiking Trail / NS Provincial Hiking Trails / Skyline Hiking Trail / Uncategorized / Victoria County Hiking Trails
Hike the Highlands Festival web site uses google my maps to help hikers find the trailhead, pictures of the trails and trails descriptions. Videos will be added later. This new technology makes it easier for the hiker to plan what hikes they will be doing during the festival. Visit our map page on our festival web site for more information. To get a glimsp of some of things google my maps offers see our slideshow below.
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