Smart Wool Socks – A Hikers Dream

Smart Wool Sock - Medium Cushion Hikng Sock
Recently, I had a chat with Debra Ryan, President of Hike Nova Scotia about long distance hikes , socks and hiking boots. She indicated how Smart Wool Socks worked well with her 4 day hike at Kejimkujik National Park and I talked about doing the West Highland Way next year in Scotland – 95 miles over 8 days.
I managed to pick up a pair of Smart Wool socks -medium cushion, at the Outdoor Store in Baddeck – they are more expensive than your normal sock – run you $16.95 to $20.00. I tried them out on the Clyburn Valley Hiking Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park – left from our house, down the road to trail about 10 km return. The temperature was about 30 degrees. Came back took my boot off and then sock – feet dry but sock wet. Really do work. I found them very comfortable – I had the medium cushion sock. I did not use a liner sock.
If you want to check out smart wool reviews from other hikers visit –
LLBean , Eastern Mountain Sports, REI, and Seirra Trading Post.